Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Way #5

Creative Spirit (Alice Walker)

In search of happiness through doing simple things or just be simple.....

In which Alice Walker find within her mother figure as she find happiness through gardening.

Like the way my mother thought and show me the simple way in finding happiness through just being myself and inner peace!

Way #4


Through both Eastern and Western concept of interconnectedness prove that even the simplest thing in this life and world are ONE!

One people
One universe
One life
One ecosystem
One World

Way #3

Freedom of mind (Master)

Absorb these phrases and you can find wisdom within it:

"Home is wherever the heart can be found"

"Life is impermanent.whoever is born will die,but we don't know when"

"Enlightenment is waking up, finding freedom from the dream of suffering"

"Yet I see now that we can be A BETTER PEOPLE if we can TOUCH a hardened SOUL, bring JOY into SOMEONE'S LIFE, or just be an example for others, instead of HIDING behind our SILENCE"

Way #2

Meditation that led to:

1. Nonduality
Avoiding judgement of thoughts but just being conscious that the thoughts are there.

2. Equanimity
An unbiased attitude toward all other beings.

Way # 1

Detachment (Yeshe)

Detachment refers to finding happiness through inner simplicity!


In this blog I would like to show you my 5 simple ways in finding happiness through the Eastern and Western ways of knowing!
These 5 concepts are related with me in some ways are embedded in me and the people I came across through traveling and studying in different places! and even these concepts are instill within me naturally through my culture and the voices of my parents! and the figure and inspiration from my grandparents!

5 ways/concepts from the readings:

Way #1: Yeshe concepts of detachment and renunciation
Way#2: Yeshe concepts of non-duality and equanimity
Way #3: Master: Freedom of mind
Way #4: Interconnectedness
Way #5: Creative Spirit - Alice Walker, In Search of Our Mother's Garden

+ My own 5 ways- cover in my book!